Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Be Faithful to the Opportunities God Puts in Front of You

I wrote just a little bit about some of the things I'd learned on my trip to DC.  Probably the biggest thing I learned was to be faithful to the opportunities that the Lord puts in front of you, and to make disciples in that context.

Refreshingly simple.  Deeply challenging.  If done with the Lord's help, incredibly fruitful.

I loved (and continue to love) this simple mantra for several reasons.

First, it is what Jesus did and I can't think of an example I'd rather follow.  End of story.  Second, it's incredibly practical.  When God puts an opportunity in front of you, it is generally either in your sphere of influence or it's something wild and crazy that He's going to partner with you to put resources behind.  Finally, it's just something that boils down many of the instructions we are given in scripture into something that is concise and powerful.

This phrase has been on repeat in my brain since returning to Fayetteville.  It is helping me to finish out this school year.  It has provided meaning to my days and to my interactions with friends, students, and coworkers.  It has helped me see that this season of waiting and preparation for whatever lies ahead need not be fruitless.

So, as the Lord continues to challenge me in ways that I didn't anticipate and I'd be really tempted to say that I cannot handle, I pray that the Lord would give me the strength and grace and resources to be faithful to each and every one of the opportunities that he puts in front of me.  I pray that He would bless me with the opportunities to share and model the light of Jesus, and that I would be able to make disciples wherever I go -- whether it's sharing Jesus with a domestic abuse victim or teaching a renewable energy course or just having coffee with a friend.

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