Monday, November 11, 2013

Discipleship pastoring

After I had the conversation with Heather, I realized that I already was a pastor.   I care for the spiritual development of others in formal and informal contexts.  I regularly hang out with a couple college kids, intentionally investing in their spiritual development.  Friends agree I have the spiritual gift of shepherding or pastoring.  I am working hard to follow the Lord's lead, being faithful to the opportunities that the Lord puts in front of me and making disciples at work and at church.

"Huh, I guess I already AM a discipleship pastor," I thought to myself.  Who knew?!

No idea what the Lord means when He says I'll be a discipleship pastor.  Maybe it will be in a formal context, like a category 3.  While I don't think it will be in IE, it could be in another vocation where I am a category 1 or 2 discipleship pastor.

The bottom line is that I have no idea, and ultimately -- at least for now -- it doesn't matter.  I am just working to stay close to Jesus and follow Him on each step of this incredibly confusing, nonlinear path.  He will make things clear in His timing. I do know that, in this season of waiting and transition, that the Lord is building into me character, stamina, and an ability to hear His voice.  That will be invaluable regardless of what comes next.

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