Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

This Christmas, I gave myself permission to peace out on the whole Christmas thing.  I had three generous offers to spend Christmas with friends -- all of which I am super grateful for -- but I felt peace just being by myself and relaxing and reflecting on where I am and where I'm going these days.  No Christmas Eve service.  No hanging out with friends and their families.  And (a little to my surprise) no being sad about family or feeling alone.

I watched Elf and Home Alone, made tacos, and just spent the rest of the day listening to the Lord and reading.  OK, and snapchatting too (my recent obsession).   No keeping up appearances, needing to be social, large groups of people, or having to explain why Christmas isn't raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens for me.  To my surprise, a day like this is just what I needed.  I am grateful that the Lord gives us good gifts and directs our steps, even in the minor things like managing a social calendar.  He is so good.

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