Sunday, December 8, 2013

This Semester

This semester has been a little crazy.  And by a little crazy I mean totally nuts.

Not expecting to be in Arkansas at all this school year year; but then being here after all.
Not having my own place to live, but putting my stuff in storage and living with a family for a year.
Not teaching one class, but three.
Dealing with the mid-semester death of a coworker and the fallout that that entailed.
Not really knowing much of anything about two of the classes I'm teaching.
Feeling unsettled and unsure of what every day would hold.

I was going to rehash the gory details of how it's all gone down, but then I remembered that I've done that before.  The only thing I'd add to that is that last week, I found out my dad was arrested.  I don't want to go into the details, but let's just say I was all over the emotional map -- disappointed, angry, sad, embarrassed.  All of it.  Woof; it's a bad scene, y'all and it's made the Semester I Thought Couldn't Get Crazier (SITCGC) just a smidge crazier.  In fact every new curveball that was thrown at me -- and there were several -- I thought to myself, "Things can't get any crazier."  Lo and behold, things kept getting crazier until I've finally decided that I just won't speculate on whether or not things can get crazier.  As I've learned, they can always get crazier.

Here's some of what I've learned this SITCGC.
  • God is faithful.  He has gotten me through every day this semester, and now there are just 11 more.  Praise Jesus.
  • His grace really is sufficient.  His power really is made perfect in weakness; trust me, I've experienced more weakness in this semester than I can really ever remember.
  • There is something to letting the peace of Christ rule in your heart.  When there is peace, it seems like there isn't space for fear or doubt.
  • Joy and thanksgiving are possible in trials.  And it seems that thanksgiving sets up an environment where joy can grow and flourish.
  • Attitude is everything -- see above about peace, joy, and thanksgiving.
  • I can't expect grace unless I extend it.  I've learned A LOT about that this semester and this summer (thanks Charlie).
  • If God initiates, He will give me the reserves I need to do what He asks me to do.  I couldn't have made it through this semester were that not the case.
  • Being faithful to spiritual disciplines daily -- spending time with the Lord every morning reading the Word and listening to what He has to say to me -- is huge.  I need to treat the little things like they're big things.  God honors that.
  • His plans are generally not things we would expect -- they are non-linear, stochastic, and confusing.  But they are perfect.
  • The Lord is near to all who call upon Him.  Trust me, I've called frequently this semester.
  • I'm getting better at hearing the Lord's voice, and not trying to finish His sentences for Him.
This semester was nothing like I expected, but what I can say is that I have learned so much.  I can tell I am being prepared for something -- not sure what, and not sure when -- but I think when that special something comes, I will know what it is and I will be ready to do what it takes.

In the meantime, the Lord continues to teach me about embracing uncertainty -- learning to trust Him without trying to figure everything out.  That's been a hard but good lesson.

Ahhhh, development.  It's not just about reading books, y'all.  This SITCGC has been the ultimate real deal, boots on the ground guide.  And I wouldn't trade it.

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