Wednesday, May 3, 2017

First year at PSU

Today I'm giving a final in one of my classes.  A year ago today, I interviewed for this job at Penn State.  Wow.  This year went fast and at times, and there were times I definitely wanted to fast forward a bit.

Overall, I learned that God is faithful and that transition takes time.  I learned to press into (and endure) the hard parts.  I learned that keeping God at the foundation of it all was critical.  I learned that I can do hard things (seems I keep being presented with an opportunity to learn and relearn that lesson!).  I learned to weather transition and, in time, thrive.

Finding my people and my place in State College took longer than I expected.  It took stretching out of my comfort zone, lots of false starts, and lots of showing up even when I didn't feel like it.

Ultimately, I think I am on the right path.  I keep being reassured over and over that God has planted me here for a season.  I want to put down deep roots and grow here.  I am excited to see what he has for me here!