Friday, May 30, 2014

Trust - May 2014 update

I wrote earlier this year about how I felt like the Lord wanted me to focus on TRUST in 2014 -- trusting Him more, and viewing everything through that lens.  While I wasn't sure exactly what I was supposed to trust Him with, I felt like it probably had to do with my job, career, and vocational future.

Certainly, in some ways that has been part of what it's been about -- having a new boss all of a sudden, being asked to stay in a modified version of my current role instead of making a huge vocational transition like I'd felt like God was leading me to, and just having one year of a plan (and not even having that be official yet).  Now while in some respect that's been crazy, in many other respects that's been just the beginning.

I entered the year with four solid single girl friends; two are now engaged and it would not surprise me at all if the other two are by the end of the year.  This leaves me as the only single post-college person in my social circle.  And while there have been hard moments, God has been clear: TRUST ME.  Trust me with the timing and my provision of a spouse for you.

This has also been a year of transitions when it's come to my friendships.  One of my friendships crumbled which was tough and uncomfortable.  Another friendship took an unexpectedly serious, deep turn -- which was surprising and while it happened a bit scary (but is now ultimately good).  One of my best friends is moving to India for most of the rest of the year.  Again, the Lord has asked me to trust Him, to believe that His plans are good, and to trust that He will provide.

I've also continued to live with a generous family in my community group -- and while they've been great and super generous, it's been weird to be 34, sharing a bathroom with two teenagers, and living with most of my stuff in storage in a spare bedroom.  But God says, TRUST ME so I am and believing that I will find the right roommate, housing situation, or place to buy in His timing.

What I know is that God is faithful and that nothing catches Him by surprise.  What I know is that He has a plan and purpose in each of these situations.  He is developing my character, and time spent learning to trust Him is well spent.  May I be a good student of these lessons now, and a good steward and teacher of these lessons in the future.

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