Sunday, June 1, 2014

Not looking back

A friend who is in the midst of life and career transitions asked she could pick my brain about career stuff.  While I happily agreed, I thought it a bit ironic since I feel like the only advice I feel qualified to give at this point is about how to light a match to your career and watch it go up in flames.  I wasn't sure what exactly to expect or what I had to offer.  I just prayed and left the results of our coffee date up to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, He did not fail (duh uh).  The meeting went well.  It was validating to hear that not everyone buys into the notion of a swanky, prestigious career over more traditional priorities.  I felt understood hearing how she struggled with all of the demands that she felt pulling her in different directions, and how she fundamentally refused to be defined by a career or a position above her values, faith, or sense of obligation to those she cared about.

Near the end of the meeting, she asked me a question that I hadn't thought of before.  She asked, "Sarah, do you ever look back and question your decision to walk away?"

To my surprise, I had zero hesitation and I knew the answer immediately.

"No,"  I responded confidently.

To be honest, I was surprised.  Even in the most confusing, toughest times of waiting out the uncertainty, I never questioned my decision to leave my job.  There were definitely times where I mourned the loss of a life plan and the faulty illusion that I used to have that I was in control of my life and where it was going.  However, even in the toughest times I never once thought, "OMG this was a mistake."

What a gracious thing that the Lord used to reassure me that I am walking on the path that He has for me.  While I have no idea where it's going or what lies ahead, I trust that the Lord has me on His path.  I trust that I am walking in the plan that He has for me and that that they are good -- even when I don't understand them or even know what they are.

And I am grateful to realize that even at my most confused and frustrated and impatient, I do not look back.  May my trust continue to grow as I walk in the plans He has for me.  May I wait with confident expectation, knowing that even the most shocking, unlikely, difficult things do not catch Him by surprise.  May I wholeheartedly believe to the absolute core of who I am that He will work all things together for my good as I love Him and walk in the call He has on my life.

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