Monday, October 7, 2013

Books I've Read Lately

This fall has been hard, but good.  I have really worked really hard to be reading and learning in preparation for what's next.  Here's a list of what I've read since last time.

General and for Fun
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling (reread)
  • Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Small Groups and Discipleship
  • Small Groups with Purpose: How to Create Healthy Communities by Steve Gladen
  • Follow Me by David Platt
  • Real-Life Discipleship: Building Churches that Make Disciples by Jim Putman
  • Community is Messy by Heather Zempel (reread)
General Spiritual Development
  • Barefoot Church by Brandon Hatmaker
  • Leaders who Last by Dave Kraft
  • Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel
  • Unrelenting Prayer by Bob Sorge
  • All In by Mark Batterson
  • Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization, and Deliverance by Karl Payne
  • Am I Called? by Dave Harvey
  • Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere
  • Reckless Faith: Embracing a Life without Limits by Kevin Harney
I'm taking a bit of a break from reading spiritual books for awhile, even though I love them.  I am instead going to read fiction, biographies, and other books that are completely for fun for awhile.  I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird now, and may make my way through the rest of the Harry Potter books next.  A friend even convinced me to read Redeeming Love, which on the surface sounds terrible but I am going to give it a shot because I trust this friend and have heard so many good things about the book. I feel like the Lord is telling me to enter into His rest, and I will tell you what -- for me who wants answers and wants to figure this thing out, it is proving difficult.

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